01 901 2014

CPA P2 Exam Preparation Classroom Based Sessions

Thank you to StudyOnline CPA learners for attending our recent CPA P2 Exam Preparation Workshops. Those proved to be very successful and students had a chance to spend some time asking questions and preparing under the watchful eyes of our fantastic Lecturers.

On Saturday Advanced Corporate Reporting was covered through:

  • Brief overview of Exam Day Techniques
  • Brief overview of the structure of the exam paper
  • Brief overview of the most recent exam paper,
  • Discussion of Conference Call with the Examiner with a focus on the 2020 exams
  • Practical work through Exam questions with the group which focused on key areas for the exam. Some of these questions were based on past CPA exam papers.
  • And off course student Q & A session.

All StudyOnline learners are encouraged to take advantage of the upcoming sessions! Our next classroom based CPA P2 boot-camp in Naas, Co. Kildare will run on the 9th of November so hurry up!

Check out more upcoming dates:

02/11/2019 P2 Advanced Corporate Reporting 01/03/2020 P2 Advanced Corporate Reporting
03/11/2019 P2 Auditing 08/03/2020 P2 Auditing
09/11/2019 P2 Strategy Leadership 15/03/2020 P2 Strategy Leadership
10/11/2019 P2 Taxation 22/03/2020 P2 Taxation


You can find out more by visiting our page here: CPA Workshops

Please note that these 1-day sessions are exclusively for StudyOnline students and provided at no cost (we are unable to accommodate non-studyonline.ie students).

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